View Profile lovelydusk
should i be afraid to sllep when they wait by my door to c if they have a chance to consume they waut to hurt me to say worthless child we shpuld kill u dont desevre to live and i wonder do i desvere to live......or do i even waant to

Age 31, Female


no of ur concern

drowning in the ocean

Joined on 1/7/10

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lovelydusk's News

Posted by lovelydusk - January 23rd, 2010

i wanna die i hate my life my mom was sitting next 2 me and my dad comes up 2 me and slaps me 4 no reason so i push him then he just statrs hittng me and i cant fight back my noses is bleeding on my floor iam spitting up glbes of blood i can berly breath and my mom didnt even look at mesometimes i think i was ment 2 be dead

Posted by lovelydusk - January 23rd, 2010

....................iam in love i love him so much he told me he liked me and he treats so special but the problem is hes 27 but he so special i never liked a guy this much but hes differnt omg i cant belive this happened he told me iam the only one i care bout

iam in love

Posted by lovelydusk - January 17th, 2010

....................... i tried to runaway today it didnt turn out good my dad went berserk and just started throwing things at me so i left the hoese i dint ni where to go so i just walked but then it got dark and i got scared so i went home myy dad was so mad he went crazy and i wished that i had never left cuz now i just got hurt more

Posted by lovelydusk - January 13th, 2010

it happened again my chest started hurting like crazy but this time my dad was was bout to talk to me and i droped then he just staterd laughing at me telling that he got me were he wants me and he controlls me and i cant help but wonder if hes right i always do wat he say no matter wat it is

Posted by lovelydusk - January 10th, 2010

today my dad was yelling at for not giving my sister the couch sit and while he was yell ing at me my chest started hurting really bad that i fell to the floor then he said i was dissrespecting him i couldnt even breath ny chest was hurting so bed then they finnaly call the ambulance and i went 2 the hospital they said it was a panic attack thing well it scared the shit out of me

Posted by lovelydusk - January 9th, 2010

my sis did it again there was this guy i liked(used to like now )hes the only person i sorta talk 2 she saw me 2day talkin 2 him and told my mom 2 call me inside and she kisses him right when i turn around and iam just staring at her and him and he goes along with it they go in a house and he's sitting on the couch i try talkin 2 him again and he ignores him and he says he liked my sis the whole time and shes cheating on him she alredy had a bf and i run in my room thinkin y no one likes me i dont understand

Posted by lovelydusk - January 9th, 2010

we hve a 2 story house i my parent put my sisters room upstairs and me downstairs even thow there 2 more rooms upstairs and thry all hve locks on there doors bascily 2 keep me out at dinner they pretend tat there be cooking late and eat then say we tried to call u when i was sitting on the stairs the whole time watching them then my sis walk up the stairs and kicks me and ny parents see her so i trip her and the punish me not her my dog even hates me and ill i do iswalk past him he bites my ankle my sis got invited to prom they said yes but when i did they said no and called me a trash .....if i only had one wish i dont care wat the counseqences would be

Posted by lovelydusk - January 8th, 2010

is wrong 2 be mor happy when ur asleep to think the darkness is better than light to like hate better than love to love sadness and to hatte hyappiness when all u really want is 1 i love u or even a hi or goodby

Posted by lovelydusk - January 8th, 2010

today r neighbors kid triped and guess wat my parents did they went over to pick him went inside and got him a drink and let him watch tv with them till his parents came home ........when i trip they walk past me or tell me to stop fooling around one time i was chocking and my mom just looked at she just stood there so i had 2 pound my own chest wich didnt help i didnt drink that water i would have pased out wat iam trying 2 say iam there kid but the care bout thte neibors kid more than me

Posted by lovelydusk - January 7th, 2010

why does evry one hate me wat did i do my dad told me he hates me today and my mom said iam worthless i starting 2 think iam not wanted i rran to the rest room and told my dad i hated him and u no wat he did he slaped me becuse i told him i hhate him being punnished for tellin the truth so i told him i hated his guts and wanted him 2 die which is the truth so now iam siiting here with a bloody nose